Hello, My Name Is Doris
Hello, My Name Is Doris

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Starring: Sally Field,Stephen Root,Rich Sommer,Natasha Lyonne,Wendi McLendon-Covey,Beth Behrs
Director: Michael Showalter
Movie Studio: Red Crown Productions
Genre: Drama
Other Genres: Drama
Run Time: 95 Minutes
Release Date: 3/11/2016
Synopsis: When Doris Miller meets John Fremont, her company's hip new art director, sparks fly-at least for Doris. In the cluttered house she shared with her late mother, Doris mines the Internet for information on her one-and-only, guided by the 13-year-old granddaughter of her best pal Roz. When Doris begins showing up at John's regular haunts, she wins over his Williamsburg friends. Her new life brings Doris a thrilling perspective, but also creates a rift between her and her longtime friends and...MORE

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Hello, My Name Is Doris

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